Monday, October 27, 2014

World to 6 days of darkness due to a solar storm in December 2014

 World to 6 days of darkness in a solar storm in December 2014

World to 6 days of darkness in a solar storm in December 2014

World to 6 days of darkness in a solar storm in December 2014

We're going to have a complete 6 days of darkness due to a solar storm in December 2014. But this news already spreaded now in Interet world. According to IBTIMES image caption "Nasa has not confirmed that the earth will be in darkness for six days in December 2014". so, dear readers,its a matter of thinking that exactly whats going on December 2014? will it be the world darkness a complete 6 days or not? however, its depend on the solar system. But we wont have to afraid on that. It might be seen that nothing is happennig and the news we are getting might prove as false. onething you have to remember that World may face a little bit darkness then and it might be only for some moments as like as a rainy day, just to make us chill without believing the unexpected situation, right? cause we heard once that"5th may the world will destroy, but generally what happened, nothing", so  dont worry about it and be a happy man with your daily life enjoing your family, ok? World to 6 days of darkness due to a solar storm in December 2014

Nasa Nasa has forecast a total blackout of earth for six days in December
Dear readers, Nasa has forecast a total blackout of earth for six days in December, originated this news from, a website well known for publishing fake stories with sensational headlines, ibtimes says.
According to Ibtimes, The bogus report read: "Nasa has confirmed that the Earth will experience 6 days of almost complete darkness and will happen from the dates Tuesday the 16 – Monday the 22 in December. The world will remain, during these three days, without sunlight due to a solar storm, which will cause dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus, block 90% sunlight. World to 6 days of darkness due to a solar storm in December 2014

"The head of Nasa Charles Bolden who made the announcement and asked everyone to remain calm. This will be the product of a solar storm, the largest in the last 250 years for a period of 216 hours total.

"Despite the six days of darkness soon to come, officials say that the earth will not experience any major problems, since six days of darkness is nowhere near enough to cause major damage to anything."

Adding on, the article also carried a made-up quote from Nasa scientist Earl Godoy, saying: "We will solely rely on artificial light for the six days, which is not a problem at all." World to 6 days of darkness due to a solar storm in December 2014

So, last of all, its urgent to inform you that don't be a fake believable man, just keep concentrate on your reality and think that I am the best who is currently in a good situation. And what will happen, happen in future. maybe I wont be available then cause I dont know my future. ok? best of luck not to believe that bogus news which is the worst and fake news for the world people to live in peace.

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